Learn how to protect your organisation from ransomware with our 2024 recommendations

With the attack surface of most public sector organisations widening dramatically, our Unit 42 Incident Response team found that a staggering 75% of ransomware attacks...

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How Can Technology Change Healthcare?

Getting better: next-gen healthcare solutions We've recently reported on how artificial intelligence assistants are giving physicians a helping hand. Now, Enterprise Tech is reporting how…

Sam Taylor Sam Taylor 4 Min Read

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In This Issues

IBM Transforming the Future of Secure Payments

IBM Shapes the Future of Secure Payments Economies worldwide are witnessing a critical shift in the realm of payment methods,…

Speech AI Revolutionizing Customer Experiences Across Industries

In our increasingly technologically advanced world, consumers have come to expect a new standard of almost seamless convenience and efficiency.…

Seattle: A New Tech Industry Hub?

Silicon Valley has long ruled the tech space, but there may be a new spot for the industry. Recent US…

Sustainable Sport? The NHL ’s Digital Decarbonisation 

The NHL (National Hockey League) founded in 1917, making it over 100 years old, is well and truly keeping up…

From our research center

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2024 Playbook: Identity Security and Cloud Compliance

Cloud migration and digital transformation have become more commonplace among enterprises, but these initiatives raise new challenges to protect their data, applications and workloads.  This...


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