Learn how to protect your organisation from ransomware with our 2024 recommendations

With the attack surface of most public sector organisations widening dramatically, our Unit 42 Incident Response team found that a staggering 75% of ransomware attacks...

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Banking in the Virtual World? PKO Bank Polski Thinks the Money’s in the Metaverse

Money in the Metaverse Follow the money, they say. And for those wondering where all their money is going at the moment, the answer might…

Sam Taylor Sam Taylor 6 Min Read

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In This Issues

Cloud-only Corp: Unilever Takes Flight

Unilever: A Household Name Embraces The Cloud Embracing a Cloud-Only Future with Accenture and Microsoft It's not just the biggest…

CEO: Modern Workers Must Embrace AI to Thrive

Scared that artificial intelligence could steal your job? Modern workers need not fear the advancement of AI, the CEO of…

Google’s Next Big Purchase: Xively

Google just announced that it plans to buy Xively for $50 million dollars. If they do buy Xively from LogMeIn,…

Why the UK’s backward stance is a disaster for tech

Chris Middleton expresses a personal view on the PR problem created by the UK’s double-headed approach to technology For the…

From our research center

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2024 Playbook: Identity Security and Cloud Compliance

Cloud migration and digital transformation have become more commonplace among enterprises, but these initiatives raise new challenges to protect their data, applications and workloads.  This...


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